Moms For Liberty: who they are, the backwards agenda they're pushing, and how to find them on your ballot.
Most of us agree that schools should be a place where our kids learn everything they need to become the kind of adults who contribute to the future we all want to see. That means learning things like the accurate history of our country and state, empathy and acceptance of people different from them, and having the freedom to discover who they are as an individual and how they fit into the larger picture that makes up our society.
But there is a growing movement of far-right people across the country who want to dismantle our education system by banning books and curriculum about slavery, who want to prevent LGBTQ+ kids from being their authentic selves, and who want to insert religious dogma into every school. It’s all spearheaded by a national group called Moms For Liberty, who’ve been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and they have 10 chapters here in Washington.
Moms For Liberty comes to Washington
Yes, it’s happening here! They are using lies and deception to get themselves elected to school boards and other local offices to take control of the curriculum and to build the power to decide what your kid gets to learn in school.
@fusewashington Moms for Liberty: coming to a school board election near you this fall 🙃 #momsforliberty #m4l #momsforlibertyisahategroup #momsforlibertyisdangerous #momsforlibertyhategroup #stopmomsforliberty #bookban #republicansareevil #democratsoftiktok #washingtonstatecheck ♬ original sound - FuseWashington
Moms for Liberty have recruited and trained more than 100 candidates to run for local office in Washington this year. These candidates have been trained on how to speak in a way that hides their true MAGA agenda, and it can make them hard to spot.
How to identify a candidate aligned with Moms For Liberty
How do you know if a Moms For Liberty candidate is on your ballot? Watch below to learn how, and check out the Progressive Voters Guide to see if any are running in your district.
@fusewashington Replying to @ytgirlwondering Here are the deets on how to spot Moms for Liberty candidates! STAY TUNED, in our next video we’ll be whipping out the receipts on M4L candidates in WA 👀👀 #momsforliberty #m4l #momsforlibertyisahategroup #momsforlibertyisdangerous #momsforlibertyhategroup #washingtonstate #washingtoncheck #spokanewa #olympiawa #seattlewa #democratsoftiktok #republicansareevil #republicansaretheproblem ♬ original sound - FuseWashington
Secret recording reveals the lies and hate of Moms For Liberty
Here at Fuse, we have received exclusive information on candidates running for school boards in the Puyallup, Bonney Lake, and Dieringer School Districts. A secret recording of a Parents Night Out event in Puyallup was sent to us that includes dangerous rhetoric from Moms For Liberty candidates, including their plans to force Christianity (and ONLY Christianity) into your kids' schools.
@fusewashington Our juiciest Moms for Liberty video yet! You’re gonna want to check out the rest of the 👀secretly recorded video👀 at the link in our bio 👆🏻 #momsforliberty #momsforlibertyisahategroup #momsforlibertyisdangerous #momsforlibertyhategroup #m4l #puyallupwashington #puyallup #puyallupwa #republicansareevil #democratsoftiktok #gotv #vote #voteblue #votelocal #localelection #wastate #wastatecheck #washingtonstate ♬ original sound - FuseWashington
Now that you know about the MAGA agenda that Moms For Liberty is trying to install at your kids' school, the lies they're using to get elected, and how to spot a candidate using their shady tactics, you're ready to help others learn too! Share this blog with every voter and parent in your life who wants to protect the freedom of children to get a quality education based on facts.
Moms For Liberty has gained a dangerous amount of traction in this year’s election. If you want to learn more, check out these articles.

Controversial Moms for Liberty group fields candidates for local school board races
Moms for Liberty, a far-right citizen-led group that opposes acknowledgment of LGBTQ+ people and issues in public schools, is against diversity education, advocates for book bans and endorses school board candidates, has been stepping up its appearances at public events and at school board meetings in the South Sound.

Moms for Liberty among conservative groups named 'extremist' by civil rights watchdog
More than two years into a conservative push against teaching about Black history, literature and gender identity in public schools, the Southern Poverty Law Center has concluded that a dozen so-called "parental rights" groups behind the movement are extremist.

Far-right candidates running in WA school board races
Extreme candidates are running for school boards across Washington state, and if they win, opponents warned they could threaten the safety of some students.