10/23 Update: We added information about the two additional mailers.
“This deceptive attack is stunning even for Republican hit men like Glen Morgan and Peter Zieve.
Fuse enthusiastically supports Erin Frasier, Jessa Lewis, Connie FitzPatrick and Debra Entenman for Legislature and Tye Menser for the Thurston County Commission. All four of these candidates received a sole recommendation in our 2018 Progressive Voters Guide. This dirty hit piece uses our recommendations from previous years for Teresa Purcell, Joe Pakootas, E.J. Zita, and Nathan Schlicher to intentionally confuse and mislead voters. Voters should reject Republicans’ dirty tricks in these races and support progressives Frasier, Lewis, FitzPatrick, and Menser.
Republicans must end their attempts to suppress the vote by lying to voters. We call on the Washington State Republican Party to denounce this attack and take action to shut down this misleading PAC. We also call on the Public Disclosure Commission to investigate if any laws were broken.”
- Collin Jergens, Communications Director, Fuse Washington
10/22 Update: We filed a coalition PDC complaint against these PACs. You can read the press release here.
Anti-Jessa Lewis hit piece:

Anti-Erin Frasier hit piece:

Anti-Fitzpatrick hit piece

Anti-Tye Menser hit piece